Moorside High School makes every attempt to ensure that information about the school is readily available to parents and other interested parties. In accordance with this aim, it is intended to publish our official policy statements in this section of the website.
Beyond the statutory requirements to publish some of our school policies, the school feels strongly that parents and other stakeholders are able to access and review our key policy documents. If you have any queries or have something you wish further clarification on, then please contact the school main office, or submit your enquiry to the school via email.
School policies are listed below in PDF format. Please select a policy to download. Should you require a paper copy, including large print versions, of any of the policies listed below, please contact Mrs Claire Alcock via e-mail. Some of our policies are governed by the Potteries Educational Trust as a whole, you may find these on our Trust Policies page.
Please note that some of our policies are not, and will not be, publicly published for legal and/or security reasons (e.g. our policy on Critical Incidents).