Trip To Berlin

33 pupils and 4 staff left Moorside on a drab Tuesday morning in July to fly to Berlin to see the sights of the German capital, Berlin. Staying in the north-east district of Pankow, pupils had the opportunity to visit the main attractions in Berlin, such as the Brandenburg gate, the German government building called ‘der Reichstag’ and visit the highest point of Berlin, the TV Tower at 203m above the ground.

Pupils had the chance to experience the historical elements of Berlin such as the Jewish Memorial and the Topography of Terror. Within this city tour, pupils saw the remnants of the Berlin wall and could see where the wall once stood until the end of the Cold War.

Pupils encountered new experiences such as the vast German public transport system, which unfortunately was not at its best during our visit, but pupils did get to travel on a double-decker train and see the U-Bahn and S-Bahn in action.

German food was enjoyed by many pupils, especially from the German bakeries, (die Bäckerei) where pupils enjoyed treats such as Mohnschnecke (Poppy seed iced buns), Spaghettieis and the well known Schwarzewälderkirschetorte (Black forest gateau). Mr Woolliscroft revelled in the consumption of Currywurst mit Sauerkraut (Curried sausage and pickled cabbage) and Miss Crossley enjoyed a German Döner (Kebab).

The pupils earned their food, as they were walking nearly 10 miles a day and were on their feet for 9 hours every day. The pupils acquired an insight to the environmental aspects of Germany, as they recycled their plastic bottles and cans to receive €0.25 per item recycled. This will support their knowledge within their final taught topic in Year 11.

The pupils were a credit to the school and the hotel management acknowledged this upon our departure and we remain the only school group they will accept.